Home Owners
Developing ecological focused designs can be tricky to analyze all the different factors involved. Ecogarden helps you develop successful garden designs bounded in ecological values.
- Ease-to-use tool that works everywhere.
- Sharing designs and developed collaboratively.
- Real-time feedback of ecological values.

Create a base plan for your garden
Get an idea of how you want your garden

Experiment with designs
Use your base plan to experiment with new ideas. Try out that new patio. Work through how you use the space.
Share with others
Get feedback on your designs. Share your creation.
Available everywhere with a wide range of devices and OSes
User designs are kept private to you. You decide who you want to share
it with.
All traffic using encrypted TLS1.2+. Data is only available locally to
the user.
Design your garden
Ecogarden's free landscape design tool help's you create your garden design.
No signup required. Private & secure.